We're always pleased to hear from prospective sponsors who feel that they can profit from a relationship with the Ten Mile Road Race while helping to sustain this Thunder Bay tradition.

Without our sponsors, we could never stage the race at the level you see it today.  Sponsor support is absolutely critical to the continuing success of the Ten Mile Road Race.

We are immensely proud of the sponsors on the Ten Mile Road Race Team today, and we want them to reap the rewards of their generosity and community spirit. 
To meet THE SPONSORS WHO MADE IT POSSIBLE to present the 2012 Ten Mile Road Race, click here.

We strive to be flexible in designing partnerships with our sponsors that will be most meaningful to them.  The Ten Mile Road Race has a multitude of opportunities for sponsors at various levels of support. 

If you have a specific idea about how you'd like to make a contribution, we'd be pleased to develop that concept with you.

On the other hand, if you'd like some ideas about how contributions are presently being made, or the directions that sponsorship might be headed in future, we can help. 
If you'd like information about HOW TO BECOME A SPONSOR, you can e-mail us at:  promotion@10mileroadrace.org.
Would you like to know WHO SPONSORS THE TROPHIES YOU COMPETE FOR?  Click here.