
Volunteers are the heart and soul of the Fire Fighters Ten Mile Road Race.  Without the generous gift of people's time, the race wouldn't happen.   From Race Committee to Race Day and beyond, volunteers work diligently to provide a successful, safe, and fun opportunity for runners.

We appreciate your help! Click below to Sign Up. 

Volunteer Sign Up


There are many volunteer opportunities available.  If you have a lot of time or just a little time to give, there is something you can do. 



Before Race Day

Our Race Committee consists of many amazing volunteers that work for months behind the scenes.  We usually meet in the wintertime before the race to discuss what that year's race will look like. 

Some of the jobs that our committee does are securing sponsorships, arranging for medals and awards, recruiting and organizing volunteers, managing the registrations, coordinating the logistics for the racecourse, promoting the race via media and social media, organizing t-shirts and race kits, and many more.



On Race Day:

Race day requires many, many wonderful volunteers. 

Volunteer jobs on race day include racecourse marshals, medals crew, relay crew, food table crew, and many more.

We also have fabulous professional photographers who donate their time and skills on race day. The Race Committee and the participants love all the phenomenal photos!

The energy and enthusiasm felt by our volunteers on race day keep them coming back.  It truly is an amazing experience. 



We are Grateful for Our Volunteers!


Our volunteers receive a free official Fire Fighters Ten Mile Road Race Crew t-shirt. Volunteers will also get an invitation to the Volunteer Appreciation Party where you could win some awesome prizes. So join us and help out with this historic Thunder Bay road race. 



Click below to sign up as a volunteer


Volunteer Sign Up


If you have any questions about volunteering for the Fire Fighters Ten Mile Road Race, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator by email: volunteers@10mileroadrace.org