ENTER AS......


Entry Received By 5PM May 1


Entry Received between May 2-May 10


Entry Received between May 11 and May 16 at 5pm

Individual Runner

$35 with pasta dinner, no tech shirt

$50 with pasta dinner and tech shirt

$40 with pasta dinner, no tech shirt

$55 with pasta dinner, no tech shirt

Student & Youth Relay Team (five members, aged 17 and under)
Family Fun Relay Team (five members, at least one adult and one under 16)
60+ Relay Team  (three members, aged 60+)

$50 per team, shirts available at retail cost for each team member, plus $10 per person for pasta dinner


After 5pm Thursday May 10th registration is available online only

No entries accepted after 5pm Wednesday, May 16th

Pasta dinner tickets available for relay runners and guests of runners @ $10 per person

Entry forms available at Fresh Air Experience (311 Victoria Ave. E). There will be an additional $5 handling charge for any paper entry forms.


Active.com charges a $4.50 processing fee for online registrations


Individual runners may register on-line or by submitting a printed registration form.

To REGISTER ON-LINE at the Active.com website click the logo.


* Active.com charges a $4.50 processing fee

Complete your printed individual entry form and submit it by 5pm on Thursday, May 10, 2012 to Fresh Air Experience, 311 Victoria Avenue East, Thunder Bay, P7C 1A4.

To contact us about registration:  entries@10mileroadrace.org


Team relays include the student and youth relay, and the family fun relay.

To contact us about relays:  relays@10mileroadrace.org