To ensure the safety of runners, volunteers and spectators, the following roads will be closed to traffic from 8am till noon on Monday, May 23rd 2016 (Victoria Day):  


Simpson Street

From May Street to Donald Street (7:00 am – 12:30 pm)

May St

From Arthur Street to Donald Street

Arthur Street

From Brodie Street to May Street


Every effort will be made to reopen roads to normal vehicular traffic as quickly as possible after the race is completed.

Also, parking will restricted from 8am till noon along Simpson Street from Victoria Avenue to Pacific Avenue.

Your support of this historic running event is appreciated and we apologize for any inconvenience.

Ample parking for spectators will be available along the west side of the race route as commercial and institutional enterprises will be closed for the Victoria Day Holiday.


To view a map of the roads affected by the race, click here.