Race Day FAQ
Is there a Lost and found site where I can recover a lost personal item?
Personal items that are recovered during or following the race can be claimed by e-mailing us at contact.@10mileroadrace.org. If you are still at the race site when you discover that an item is missing, please check at the Columbus Hall where found items will be placed in a marked tub. The race organization is not responsible for recovery of lost items. We do, however, make every effort to get found items back to their owners.
Are walkers, race-walkers, pets and strollers welcome?
Walkers and race-walkers are most welcome provided they are able to finish the course in less than three hours. At the start of the race, walkers are expected to line up behind runners. Race-walkers are expected to position themselves in accordance with their anticipated pace in the race. There is no award category for walkers.
Strollers are permitted but are expected to line up behind the runners at the start of the race. Dogs and other pets are not permitted.
What if I am unable to complete the race in the allotted three hours??
The race course will be closed three hours after the scheduled start of the race. If you have yet to finish when the course is closed, race services will no longer be available to you. Should you elect, at that time to complete the course, you may choose to do so, however you must run on the sidewalk as the road will be re-opened to vehicular traffic. Keep in mind that the race is over and traffic controls are no longer in place.
Are runners permitted to wear listening devices with head/ear phones?
Head or earphones are permitted, but not recommended for safety and emergency reasons. If you wear headphones, we recommend that you keep the volume at a level that allows you to hear other runners, race officials, traffic, etc. Be aware of your surroundings. It may be necessary for emergency vehicles to use the race route and delays in their progress could seriously impact the health of another person [including a runner].
What is the weather usually like on race day?
The average high on race day has been 19.5 degrees C, the average low has been 3.9 degrees C, and the average precipitation has been 1.3 mm.
What time do the races start?
Start time for individual runners is 9am.
Start time for relay runners is 9:10am, or 10 minutes after the start for individual runners, should the individual race start be delayed.
Do you have start line corrals designated for runners at different paces?
There will be no corrals at the start line for runners based on pace. Please position yourself in the starting gate where your race pace will be roughly consistent with those around you.
What services will be provided at the finish line?
Services available to runners at the finish line will include fruit, water, beverages, massage and chiropractic services, medical response, portable toilets and limited showers in the Columbus Hall.
Will there be pacers to help me run for a particular time?
Yes, pacers will be participating in the race in association with Fresh Air. A pacer is a volunteer runner who carries a sign indicating the pace at which he/she will run the race. A pacer leads a group of runners who are interested in running at that pace. Pacers attempt to run at a steady pace, although they will slow down at aid stations to ensure that everyone in the pace group has an opportunity to hydrate.
Can a family member or friend cross the finish line with me?
No. For the safety of all participants, as well as spectators, non-participants are not permitted to enter any portion of the race course or finish line chute.
Can I ride a bike, use rollerskates or in-line alongside the runners?
No. For safety reasons, and to optimize the race experience of all those involved, the race course is reserved for registered participants and race officials.
Can I check and retrieve my sweats [gear bag] at the start/finish line?
The start and finish line are at the same location. Parking will be available close to the start/finish line. Runners can stow their warm-ups in their vehicle or the Columbus Centre shortly before the race, and easily retrieve their sweats from their vehicle shortly after the finish.
Where are the AID STATIONS located? What products and services are available at these stations?
Water and portable toilets are available at aid stations located every two miles along the course. Portable bathrooms will be located at every two miles along the course, including the start/finish line. They are available for runners, race officials and spectators. Some portable toilets will be reserved for runners. If you are not a registered runner, please give runners priority in the use of portable bathrooms.
Are showers available following the race?
Limited shower facilities are available in the Columbus Centre.
Where will medical support services be positioned during the race?
Emergency medical support will be located in the finish line area. Emergency vehicles will be poised should they be needed.
Will photographs of runners and the race be available?
Anyone photographing the race is invited to submit their digital photographs to race officials for distribution to runners and posting to the race website. They may also be uploaded to our Facebook page please use #FF1016. Exemplary photos will be chosen for race promotion. If you’d like to make your photos of the race available to runners and the race organization, we can be contacted at webmaster@10mileroadrace.org
For more information contact us.